Why is It Important to Protect the Hock?

It is important to protect the hock because just like the human ankle the horse hock is the most problematic part to cover and a difficult part to treat and protect since it has nothing to hold on to. But at myhorsespecialty, we have the solution for this problem which are hock protectors for horses that work. We have products like the hocksmile which has proven to perform an excellent job no matter whether it is an 18H horse or a mini donkey. The products are budget-friendly and are always sold in pairs. The hock protectors for horses are can be easily used like the hocksmile which applied to a horse simply by wrapping it around and attaching the elastic loop tight to the hook. Anyone can get one of these products since they are: · Strong. · Soft lasting lining · Works 100% Guide on How to Find the Proper Brushing Boots For beginner...